Founded in the late 1700's, Chester County, South Carolina is located half-way between two of the fastest growing cities in the Southeast...Charlotte, NC and Columbia, SC linked by Interstate 77. The county has the best of both worlds for residents and businesses... a beautiful rural setting as well as a dynamic growth plan for business. As we grow, we are dedicated to being a vibrant, diverse community, with numerous opportunities for unmatched quality of life, one that blends innovation with respect for our history.
JUNE 28-29, 2025
Saturday 9-2 and Sunday 1-4
Playlist from the 2024 Tour
Our Participating Counties: Abbeville County, Aiken County, Allendale County, Anderson County, Bamberg County, Barnwell County, Berkeley County, Calhoun County, Chester County, Colleton County, Florence County, Georgetown County, Hampton County, Kershaw County, Lancaster County, Laurens County, Lexington County, McCormick County, Newberry County, Pickens County, Richland County and York County.
Clemson University Cooperative Extension Service offers its programs to people of all ages, regardless of race, color, gender, religion, national origin, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital or family status and is an equal opportunity employer.
SC Ag + Art Tour
Clemson University Cooperative Extension Service. All Rights Reserved.
Site design by Strong Bird Designs, LLC.